Digital Advertising

2023 winner

AABP Silver Best Of Show Excellence Award for Best Website


Monthly Web Visits


Monthly Page Views


E-Newsletter Open Rate

Website Ads

Ask your sales representative about volume pricing.

Ad TypeCost Per AdDesktop SizeMobile Size
RevealAd$1,4901920 x 250px800 x 250px
AnchorAd$3,200728 x 90px640 x 100px
Leaderboard 1$495728 x 90px728 x 90px
Leaderboard 2$395728 x 90px728 x 90px
Leaderboard 3$295728 x 90px728 x 90px
Sidebar 1$495600 x 500px600 x 500px
Sidebar 2$395600 x 500px600 x 500px
Sidebar 3$295600 x 500px600 x 500px
Video Sidebar (15 Sec)$1,495600 x 500px600 x 500px
Sticky Note
Sponsored Post 1$495*Specs Below
Sponsored Post 2$395*Specs Below
Parralax Bundle$2,4951336 x 700px1336 x 700px


DUE: On the 21st of the month prior to the scheduled running date. Example - An ad running in August is due on the 21st of July.



Static or Animated Banner ads placed on our website.

Includes Reveal, Anchor, Leaderboard, and Sidebar ads. Please submit the following materials.

  • Image: RGB, at least 150 DPI or higher Image/animation (.jpeg, .png, GIF) in the dimensions of the banner you ordered (see table)

  • Hyperlink: Where you want the banner to lead the consumers

Sponsored Content Web Post

Sponsored post that appears as an article and allows click-through to an external website.

Please submit the following materials for the post.

  • Headline: 7 words or fewer

  • Subhead: 15 words or fewer

  • Thumbnail image: 500 x 350px

  • Featured Image: (optional) 1000px wide and between 250–500px tall is preferred. (.jpeg, .png, or static GIF)

  • Hyperlink: Where you want to lead the consumers

Video sidebar

Placed as a sidebar with a video and supporting text instead of a digital banner

Please submit the following materials for the ad.

  • Video: 15 Seconds max

  • Placeholder image (optional)

  • Logo: 1080 x 1080 px

  • Subhead: 15 words or fewer

  • Hyperlink: Where you want to lead the consumers

Sticky Note

Will appear toward the top of the screen as a sticky note with handwritten text.

Please submit the following materials for the ad.

  • Text: up to 15 words

  • Hyperlink: Where you want to lead the consumers

DAILY E- Newsletters

Ask your sales representative about volume pricing.

Ad TypeCost Per AdImage Size
Leaderboard 1 $495728 x 90px
Leaderboard 2 $395728 x 90px
Sponsored Post 1$545600 x 400px
Sponsored Post 2 $345600 x 400px
Dedicated Newsletter$1,5001200 x up to 1550px


DUE: On the 21st of the month prior to the scheduled running date. Example - An ad running in August is due on the 21st of July.


Newsletter Themes

Released every day with up-to-date business stories from the Eastside.

  • Monday - Leadership

  • Tuesday - Finance

  • Wednesday - Healthcare

  • Thursday - Philanthropy

  • Friday - Week in review

Daily Themed Newsletter

Dedicated NEwsletter


Static or Animated Banner ads placed in the newsletter.

Includes Leaderboard ads. Please submit the following materials.

  • Image: RGB, at least 150 DPI or higher Image/animation (.jpeg, .png, GIF) in the dimensions of the banner you ordered (see table)

  • Hyperlink: Where you want the banner to lead the consumers

E-NEWSLETTER sPonsored Post

Sponsored image and text that is placed in a newsletter, and allows for click-through to an external site.

Please submit the following materials; we will compile these into a content slot for our newsletter.

  • Headline: 7 words or fewer.

  • Body text: 50 words or fewer.

  • Image: Horizontal 600 x 400px (.jpeg, .png, or static GIF)

Dedicated E-Newsletter

A newsletter that exclusively highlights your image and content with our audience.

Please submit the following materials; we will compile these into a newsletter. Dedicated newsletters will be sent out once per month.

  • Image/animation: 1200 x up to 1550px (.jpeg, .png, GIF)

  • Hyperlink: Where you want the newsletter to lead the consumers.

  • Body text: 50–100 words.


Your ad materials will be turned into multiple ad placements throughout Facebook and Instagram. Between Feed Posts, Stories + Reels, In-Stream ads for videos, reels and search. We'll ensure your campaign reaches both our engaged community of followers and a carefully targeted audience most likely to connect with your message, maximizing your reach and impact.


FB Followers


IG Followers

Pricing & Client Services

  • Cost: $1,495

  • Duration of Promotion: 7 days from the start date.

    Ask your sales representative about volume pricing.

    Customized plans available.


Please submit the following materials.

  • Feed Images or videos: 1080 x 1080px

  • Stories & Reels Image: 1080 x 1920px

  • Words: 50 characters

  • Hyperlink: Where you want the post to lead the consumers.

  • Social Media Handles: Please provide your username to your social media channels for tagging purposes.

  • Location/Audience Description: Provide one or more states/regions, cities, postal codes, addresses or Designated Market Areas to show or exclude your ad to people in those locations.


DUE: On the 21st of the month prior to the scheduled running date. Example - An ad running in August is due on the 21st of July.


Come partner with us.

Connect with a team member to discover how South Sound Business can help your brand reach the most influential readers across the South Sound.